O inima inghetata e ca un picior amortit...il tragi dupa tine ca si cum nu l-ai avea. Stii ca il ai, dar nu-l poti simti. In nemiscare si presiune se taie fluxul sanguin care hraneste piciorul. Abia dupa cativa pasi il poti simti si folosi. La fel si cu inima...Frica de a actiona este presiunea care taie curgerea energetica care hraneste inima. Deci iubirea trebuie practicata ca sa topim gheata, sa simtim ca avem o inima sa crestem prin ea din ce in ce mai mult. Singura crestere posibila este doar actionand prin inima cu iubre si compasiune.

A frozen heart is like a numb leg...you drag it around as if you don't have it. You know you have it, but you can't feel it. Pressure and non movement cuts the blood flow feeding the leg. Only after several steps you can feel your leg and use it. Same with the heart...Fear of acting is the pressure which cuts the energy flow feeding the heart. Therefore Love must be practiced to melt the ice, in order to feel we have a heart and grow more and more within it. The true growth is possible only through heart acting with love and compassion.

Peace and love!

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